- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(日常会話)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 90分 x 16回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- This course help you to describe your daily need more confidently
- 受講条件
- - Notebook and pencil for simple tasks
I use teaching material: Speak Up Textbook (1,2,3)
- Grammar Level:
+ Speak Up 1: Basic Level (Simple present, Simple Past, Present Continuous, Future tenses)
+ Speak Up 2: Intermediate Level (Present Perfect, Past perfect)
+ Speak Up 3: Advanced Level (Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect...)
- 詳細
- Speak Up 1 topic:
1) New friends
2) Interests
3) People
4) Daily life
5) My Hometown (Introduce about your city)
6) Shopping
7) Food
8) Past and Future
- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(日常会話)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 90分 x 18回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- This course is for children or people who start to learn English
- 受講条件
- - Notebook and pencil
- 詳細
- - Textbook: Superkids1
Lesson1: Back to school
Lesson2: My family
Lesson3: On a picnic
Review of Units 1-3
Lesson4: Having fun
Lesson5: Pet day
Lesson6: In the classroom
Review of Units 4-6
- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(日常会話)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 90分 x 10回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- In this course, you will learn how to introduce yourself, greet, and ask for simple things
- 受講条件
- - Notebook and pencil
- 詳細
- - Textbook: Tiengviet123
Lesson1: Chào cô ạ (Hi teacher!)
Lesson2: Tên bạn là gì (What's your name?)
Lesson3: Bạn làm nghề gì (What's your job?)
Lesson4: Đây là cái gì? (What is this?)
Lesson5: Đây là ai? (Who is he/she?)
Lesson6: Quyển sách này của ai (Who does this book belong to?)
Lesson7: Bạn đang học ở đâu? (Which school are you going to?)
* レッスン料金は毎回レッスン終了後、教材費は教材を受け取った際にお支払いください。
It's Hannah. It is my pleasure to be your teacher. My major now is Business Economics at Tokyo International University, which means that I learn basically in English. I used to be a student at a gifted school for 12 years and teach at a prestigious English center in my country. Thus, I think I have some experience to become your English tutor. I will try my best to inspire you in English.
Best regards,
アピールポイント:私は穏やかで、子どもが大好きで、熱心です。 Coloring(塗り絵)のようなゲームで教えるなど、さまざまな教育方法があります。
また、旅行して、異なる文化を探索するのが大好きです。 ピアノを弾いたり、料理をすることができますとのことです。