- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(日常会話)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 10回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- have a friendly exchange of dialogue about each other's cultures
- 受講条件
- Students should have at least basic English conversation skills
Students should be able to prepare before each lessons about the things they are going to talk
- 詳細
- This course has an aim to improve students' conversational skills. Also students and teachers can understand each other's cultures better through dialogues in the class.
When students talk about their stories, I will correct any mistakes I found in the dialogue. But sometimes, I may choose to let students finish stories first before correcting every mistakes I found at the end.
This course is best for students who want to be better at speaking English and want to learn about new culture.
- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(旅行会話)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 10回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- 一緒に タイでタイの、日本の旅行ところについて話します
- 受講条件
- タイ語で日常会話が少し話せてはオッケーです。
- 詳細
- リラクスで旅行のところについて話したいなら、このコースはいいです。
* レッスン料金は毎回レッスン終了後、教材費は教材を受け取った際にお支払いください。