教育修士, 日本以外の教員資格(高等学校), スペイン語技能検定(1級), その他(スペイン語資格)
Bachelor of Learning Management (Mathematics & LOTE)
LOTE: Languages Other Than English
I have held a variety of teaching positions in Japan and Australia and I am confident in my ability to communicate with a wide variety of people. I enjoy working with diverse groups of people and I think this will provide invaluable experience both professionally and personally.
I am confident communicating in English, Spanish and Japanese and I consider myself to be culturally sensitive in all my dealings with people. I am committed to developing my knowledge and skills.
Bachelor of Learning Management (Mathematics & LOTE)
LOTE: Languages Other Than English
I am confident communicating in English, Spanish and Japanese and I consider myself to be culturally sensitive in all my dealings with people. I am committed to developing my knowledge and skills.