- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(日常会話)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 20回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- Learn english with a smile .
- 受講条件
- Pens, notebook, beginner level of English .
- 詳細
- The student should at least have a potential of making questions after every lesson regarding the topic.
And he/she should be open minded .
- レッスン内容
- ビジネス会話(旅行業)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 20回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- Learn English to travel with ease .
- 受講条件
- Pens, notebook, dictionary ( any type )
- 詳細
- Traveling coarse includes any things related with it.
- レッスン内容
- ビジネス会話(ホテル)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 20回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- Learn hotel terms
- 受講条件
- Pens, notebook , dictionary (any kind)
- 詳細
- This is a specially categorised only for hotel line coarse.
- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(旅行会話)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 20回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- If your intention to go to India
- 受講条件
- Pens, notebook, a dictionary (any type)
- 詳細
- This lesson is only for those students who wants to visit India.
* レッスン料金は毎回レッスン終了後、教材費は教材を受け取った際にお支払いください。
singing on stage, audio book listening
English Literature
If you are interested in learning English you should make sure of belief on yourself and your teacher.
Every teacher have own unique methods , so you are only the one to recognize that best part of your teacher and try your best to scoop put from him/her. If you don't know how to scoop out that best part that your teacher have , its better do't start wasting your time and money.
I teach in a natural way and with simplicity .