ウォーキング, 海釣り, ガーデニング, 音楽鑑賞, 観劇, 美術鑑賞, アウトドアクッキング, イタリア料理, インド料理, 韓国料理, スペイン料理, 食べ歩き, 中華料理, 日本料理, パン, ワインテイスティング, オンラインゲーム, ケータイゲーム, ダーツ, テレビゲーム, ポーカー, 執筆, 読書, ドライブ, 旅行・観光
I enjoy making music. Spotify and Apple Music artist name (MizuMist). American Football
Teach for NOVA . Taught English at Nansei Sekiyu, Nippon Metal Tech, Lyngo and more.
I was born in Washington, D. C. I have lived in Egypt, Jamaica, Japan, and the U.S. I have traveled to Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guam, Korea, Israel, and Italy. I enjoy meeting and talking new people.
I have been a corporate trainer and instructor. I was also a junior high school football coach.
I enjoy making music. Spotify and Apple Music artist name (MizuMist). American Football
Teach for NOVA . Taught English at Nansei Sekiyu, Nippon Metal Tech, Lyngo and more.
I have been a corporate trainer and instructor. I was also a junior high school football coach.