ウォーキング, 海釣り, ガーデニング, 川釣り, キャンプ, バードウォッチング, ハイキング, 盆栽, ルアーフィッシング, パソコン自作, ビデオ編集・画像編集, プログラミング, アクアリウム, ペット, 昆虫採集, 詩, 執筆, 読書, ドライブ, 旅行・観光
I love to read and teach.
理博士, 理修士, 理学士
I have been teaching English, Polish, Swedish, and genetics in Japan since 2000.
My goal is to show you that learning foreign language is a challenge that can be turned into fun. I hold PhD degree and have 30 years teaching experience at universities in various countries. Before coming to Japan, I taught in Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Italy, UK, Thailand, and Taiwan. To date, I visited 36 countries in Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa:-)
Apart from English and Polish, I can also teach Swedish at all levels.
Best wishes, Pozdrawiam, Hälsningar, Привет, よろしくお願いいたします,
料金:2,500円 - 3,000円 / トライアル料金:1,500円 - 1,500円 It depends on the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 2500 yen. It does not include transportation costs if the class takes place outside Susenji. These costs are calculated based on the lowest available public transportation fees between Kyudai-Gakkentoshi station and the class location. Students do not pay for teacher's drink or food when the class takes place in a cafe.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(10年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
料金:2,500円 - 3,000円 / トライアル料金:1,500円 - 1,500円 It depends on the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 3000 yen. Currently, I am staying in Poland and can give lessons online only.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(10年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
料金:2,500円 - 3,000円 / トライアル料金:1,500円 - 1,500円 It depends on the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 3000 yen. It does not include transportation costs if the class takes place outside Susenji. These costs are calculated based on the lowest available public transportation fees between Kyudai-Gakkentoshi station and the class location. Students do not pay for teacher's drink or food when the class takes place in a cafe.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(10年以上)
テキスト, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
料金:2,500円 - 3,000円 / トライアル料金:1,500円 - 1,500円 It depends on the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 3000 yen. It does not include transportation costs if the class takes place outside Susenji. These costs are calculated based on the lowest available public transportation fees between Kyudai-Gakkentoshi station, and the class location. Students do not pay for teacher's drink or food when the class takes place in a cafe.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(10年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
料金:2,500円 - 3,000円 / トライアル料金:1,500円 - 1,500円 It depends on the the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 2500 yen. It does not include transportation costs if the class takes place outside Susenji. These costs are calculated based on the lowest available public transportation fees between Kyudai-Gakkentoshi station and the class location. Students do not pay for teacher's drink or food when the class takes place in a cafe.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(10年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
料金:2,500円 - 3,000円 / トライアル料金:1,500円 - 1,500円 It depends on the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 2500 yen. It does not include transportation costs if the class takes place outside Susenji. These costs are calculated based on the lowest available public transportation fees between Kyudai-Gakkentoshi station and the class location. Students do not pay for teacher's drink or food when the class takes place in a cafe.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(10年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
料金:2,500円 - 3,000円 / トライアル料金:1,500円 - 1,500円 It depends on the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 2500 yen. It does not include transportation costs if the class takes place outside Susenji. These costs are calculated based on the lowest available public transportation fees between Kyudai-Gakkentoshi station and the class location. Students do not pay for teacher's drink or food when the class takes place in a cafe.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(10年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
料金:1,500円 - 2,500円 / トライアル料金:0円 - 0円 It depends on the number of students: e.g., private class fee for one student = 2500 yen. It does not include transportation costs if the class takes place outside Susenji. These costs are calculated based on the lowest available public transportation fees between Kyudai-Gakkentoshi station and the class location. Students do not pay for teacher's drink or food when the class takes place in a cafe.
大学教授(10年以上), 家庭教師(10年以上), 語学スクール先生(5年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Students can use own materials.
To provide basic skills in conversation using English language.
Students must have at least rudimentary knowledge of English.
The main objective of the course is to teach basic skills in English conversation sufficient for managing daily life while visiting foreign countries. The main focus is on the live conversation. Therefore, the use of textbooks is very limited.
To provide rudimentary skills in conversation using Polish language.
No prior knowledge of Polish is required. Students are expected to use own notebooks, pens and other writing tools.
The course aims to teach elementary skills in conversation using Polish language. As the course is focused on conversation skills the use of textbooks is limited.
I love to read and teach.
I have been teaching English, Polish, Swedish, and genetics in Japan since 2000.
Apart from English and Polish, I can also teach Swedish at all levels.
Best wishes, Pozdrawiam, Hälsningar, Привет, よろしくお願いいたします,