映画, 音楽鑑賞, 観劇, 伝統芸能鑑賞, 美術鑑賞, カジノ, 麻雀, オンラインゲーム, 携帯型ゲーム, ケータイゲーム, テレビゲーム, ショッピング, エアロビクス, ストリートダンス, テニス, ボディビルディング, スケッチ、線画、デッサン, 裁縫, 刺しゅう, 写真, 香水, ネイルアート, 古着, メイク, 旅行・観光
I have sewing and design experience. I love Japanese fashion and going to vintage stores.
Hello! My name is Corrin. I am from California, United States. At my home university, I studied Fashion Design and Japanese. I am a native English speaker and I love teaching those who want to better their skills in English. I will help you learn and become for fluent in English and I can also teach you about American culture :D. よろしくおねがいします!
I have sewing and design experience. I love Japanese fashion and going to vintage stores.