料金:15,000円 - 15,000円 / トライアル料金:15,000円 - 15,000円 Professional proofreading by City of London Financial Professional.
If you want to learn: Trade Floor IT Skills, then I can also teach you that, but of course you will have to pay extra for it.
I have worked at the World's Top Banks & Brokerages, so if you want to learn some Financial IT skills, then I can help you.
Banks & Brokers I have worked at:
HSBC Global Markets,
Jefferies & Company,
VTB Capital,
Newedge Group,
Wachovia NA Bank,
VTB Europe,
The Co-Operative,
Citi Group,
LCH Clearnet
メール(本文内に記載), MS Wordファイル, MS Excelファイル, MS PowerPointファイル, 手書き, その他
Practicing phrases
Remembering phrases
Adapting phrases
Creating phrases
Using phrases for daily life
Students must simply be Positive and Flexible.
Language learning can be fun if you focus but relax a bit.
The course will gej you used to real situations in English.
To make this work we will simply Practice, Practice, Practice!
To already be proficient in general English, Travel English
Enthusiasm for Business English
Desire to want to learn All English
To be focused on specific details
To be humble & respectful at the same time
Business greetings
Business etiquette
Detailed planning
Specific exact detailed talk
Business Meetings
Business propositions
Business terminology
IT Terminology
IT procedure descriptions
Infrastructure description
Trader Terminology
Server Terminology
Helpdesk Terminology
Desktop Terminology
Market Data Terminology
(2) 教材について(おすすめ教材など) ニュース記事や、私または生徒の身の上に起きた出来事に関する私自身のアイデアからすぐにレッスンのコンテンツを作成できます。テキストを入手することができますが、効率の良く早く学ぶには、実際の生活をもとにしたシナリオの方がはるかに良いと思います。 私は「City Of London IT Trade Floor Support Worker」なので、とても速く新しいアイデアやソリューションを考えることができます。 私は5年間、これをしています。
Skateboarding & Free-weights.
Bloomberg Trade Floor IT BTTC Certifications x3