Japanese American; fluent in both English and Japanese, over 30 years of experience in the computer software development industry, technology savvy professional, proficient in international business, knowledgeable in legal issues, expert in business negotiation; employment history with leading IT companies including GE, Microsoft, and Oracle; teaching experience at a college level. SERIOUS LEARNER ONLY PLEASE.
Start at 3,500 JPY/60min
Semi-Private (2 to 3 people) 4,000JPY/60min
Group Lesson (4 to 7 people) 5,000JPY/60min
Classroom Lesson (more than 8, max of 12) 6,000JPY/60min
新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Lesson materials will be customized.
料金:3,500円 - 7,000円 / トライアル料金:3,000円 - 3,000円 PRICE SCHEDULE FOR PRIVATE LESSON
Prerequisite: Strong English literacy only - Minimum TOEIC score of 700 or above
1). General Business (一般ビジネス): 3,500 JPY/60 min (None beginner)
2). Legal or Medical(法律, 医薬、医療関連): 4,000JPY/60 min
Semi-Private (2 to 3 people) 5,000JPY/60min
Group Lesson (4 to 7 people) 6,000JPY/60min
Classroom Lesson (more than 8, max of 12) 7,000JPY/60min
IT関連業(10年以上), コンサルティング業(10年以上), 大学講師(10年以上)
テキスト, 新聞, 本, DVD, 問題集, オリジナル Lesson contents will be tailored for specific needs.
This course is designed for anyone who wants to improve his/her English skill, specifically in speaking and writing. Beginner is welcome, and will teach "ad-hoc" English for traveling.
Depending on student's needs, a number of lessons will be determined, can be shorter or longer. Also, a lesson fee will vary as indicated below:
60 min 3,500 yen
90 min 4,000 yen
120 min 4,500 yen
* Student must have TOEIC score of 750 or better.
* Purchase of textbook(s) may reqauire.
* A MBA holder or an English college graduate is preferred.
This course is designed for students who are in the International Business.
Depending on student's needs, the lesson will be tailored. The course may
cover the following:
1) how to write a business report;
2) how to create an effective presentation;
3) how to negotiate/deal with a business deal (i.e., role-play)
4) how to manage a project comprised of international team members
A discount will apply if more than 2 people.
The course may include some teaching materials of MBA, business
laws, business negotiations, and trade handling.
This course is designed for a student who needs to improve his/her
skill set in a daily business environment. The course may cover the
1) how to write a business email; a business report;
2) how to handle a conference call;
3) how to make an effective presentation;
4) how to write a resume (CV) and interview
ビジネスメール、レポートの作成、プレゼンテーションの作成とスピーチ、英文履歴書の作成、コンファレンスコールやミーティングのファシリテーション、契約書のネゴシエーションならびに作成、貿易関連の法文書作成、またTOEIC・TOEFL・IELTSなどの資格試験対策に豊富な指導経験があります。G.E, H.P, Microsoft, Oracleなどの大手IT企業での職歴を持っています。インターナショナルビジネスでの法律や取引に関する幅広い知識を備えたエキスパートです。大学レベルの教育経験があり外資系大手IT企業で働く現職者なので、実践的なアドバイスができます。また時々キャリア相談にも応じますとのことです。