- レッスン内容
- 添削や翻訳(添削)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 1回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- Scientific and Medical Proofreading for Professionals
- 受講条件
- An English language version of your paper. It may take a few days to read so you must have some time before the paper is due.
- 詳細
- While in the university I studied plant biology. I have read and written many scientific studies and papers. I have a lot of experience working with this type of proofreading. I also have experience reading papers in other fields such as electronics, geology, and physics. Let me help you to get your paper out to the English speaking world.
The price is based on the hour.
1 hour of work is 3500 yen, this is usually about 1 page in a scientific paper. Longer papers or more complex or dificult English will cost more some with lots of numbers and figures that do not need to be checked will be less.
After looking at the paper I can give you an exact price for free before proofreading.
- レッスン内容
- ビジネス会話(ビジネス全般)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 60分 x 48回
- コース料金(*)
(4,000円/回, 教材費:6,000円)
- 概要
- A one year Engineering English course
- 受講条件
- Study supplies and a meeting space (home, cafe, office, ect.)
- 詳細
- This is an English course for the Engineering professional and student. It teaches English that is used by Engineers to describe machines, products, and processes.
* レッスン料金は毎回レッスン終了後、教材費は教材を受け取った際にお支払いください。