東京の英語(一般会話)の先生を募集 (英語個人レッスン・グループレッスンなどを東京で習える先生)

  • Please teach English to my children

    東京 英語 一般会話
    fenox, 男性, 36歳  2025/01/18

    笹塚 (京王-京王線), 方南町 (メトロ-丸ノ内線(中野坂上~方南町))

    3,000円 (時間当り)




    I have 3 kids, 5 year-old girl and 3 year-old twins, girl and boy.
    I'm finding a teacher who can teach them so that they are used to speaking English, as below:
    Time: a few hours on Sat or Sun (8:00-17:00)
    Location: My house (or somewhere near my house)
    Payment: around 3000 yen per hour (transportation fee is included)
    *Every condition is negotiable.
    *The schedule will be decided flexible.

    My children are studying English at a kind of a cram school and using a English tool, DWE, Disney World of English.
    At a cram school, my children study for three hours every Saturday, and it costs a lot to let my children study.

  • Preparing for long-term international travel

    東京 英語 一般会話
    Tatsu, 男性, 39歳  2025/01/16

    新宿 (小田急-小田原線)

    3,000円 (時間当り)




    Hi, I'm Tatsu, from Tokyo.
    I am planning a long time trip around the end of next year and would like to improve my English level, focusing on travel conversation so that I will not have trouble staying and sightseeing in various places.
    My English is limited to the level that I studied well for the university entrance exam, and I have no experience studying abroad.
    I am particularly anxious about my hearing ability, and would like to learn basic everyday conversation as well as travel conversation. Since this is not an exam preparation class, I would be happy if you could teach me pronunciation, vocabulary correction, points to keep in mind, etc. through actual interactions at airports, restaurants, hotels, shopping, etc. in a casual conversational environment, rather than a textbook-based lesson.
    Basically, I would be happy to take lessons online, and if you are in the neighborhood, I would be happy to meet you occasionally for lessons.
    Thank you very much!

  • Looking for someone who can bear with my terrible English

    東京 英語 一般会話
    Shingo, 男性, 29歳  2025/01/12

    新宿 (小田急-小田原線), 渋谷 (JR-山手線), 成城学園前 (小田急-小田原線)

    2,200円 (時間当り)




    Hi I’m Shingo
    I’m looking for someone who can bear with my terrible English for an hour and half. Although i can only pay you 3500 yen (your transportation fee is included) for each lesson I’ll buy you a cup of coffee or a fancy drink you can get at Starbucks every time we do a lesson at a cafe.
    I’ll be flexible about the station we’d meet so let me know if you have a station you’re convenient to meet me at.
    It’d be great if we do lessons every other week and i don’t consider taking online lessons so please note that if you’re interested in teaching English online only.
    I hope someone out there will be interested in my offer.
    Take care:)

  • English lesson on the weekend(30 minutes)

    東京 英語 一般会話
    Lily, 女性, 40歳  2025/01/08

    メール(日本語可) (オンライン・電話・メール・FAX等)

    2,000円 (時間当り)





    I am looking for a teacher who can provide English lessons for 30 minutes every weekend. Please reach out only if you can accommodate this schedule.

    My goals are as follows;
    1, Learn logical thinking
    2, To become able to explain my opinions clearly(Enjoy debating)
    3, Improve writing skills for work

    Regardless of age, nationality and gender.

    Thank you!

  • I'm looking for someone to play with my kid.

    東京 英語 一般会話
    Ayu, 女性, 38歳  2024/12/04

    新大塚 (メトロ-丸ノ内線), 東池袋 (メトロ-有楽町線), 大塚 (JR-山手線)

    2,500円 (時間当り)



    女性, 日本語会話レベル (あいさつ程度)


    Hello. I'm looking for someone to play with my kid.(ex.Play games, sing songs, reading picture books, building blocks,and play in the park... )
    Although my child doesn't speak much English.
    We are waiting for applications from those who can enjoy it with my kids.

    Language: [English]
    Lesson type: [face to face]
    Lesson place: [at my house]
    Lesson schedule (Day and time): [Wednesday between13:30-16:00 or Friday between14:30-16:00 ]

    ※I speak a little English, but I'm not very good at it.

    こども と あそんでくれる ひと を ぼしゅう しています。(こども の ねんれいは といあわせて ください)
    いっしょに ボードゲーム を したり、あそんだり、うたったり…。
    えいご の コミュニケーション が たのしいと おもえる じかんに してほしいです。

    きぼう えいご の れっすん
    ばしょ わたし の いえ
    じかん すいようび13:30-16:30のうち いちじかん または きんようび 14:30-16:00の うち いちじかん

    わたし も あまり えいご は うまく はなせない。しかし はなす いよく は あります。


  • English Teacher

    東京 英語 一般会話
    genta, 男性, 43歳  2024/05/11

    南千住 (メトロ-日比谷線), 北千住 (メトロ-日比谷線), 三ノ輪 (メトロ-日比谷線)

    1,500円 (時間当り)



    女性, 日本語会話レベル (日常会話)


    Hello ,

    I would like to have your language lesson under the following conditions.
    Please let me know whether you agree to these conditions.
    If you cannot meet any of the conditions, please let me know.
    Note: All times are 24 hour clock times, e.g.23:00.

    1.Language: English

    2.Lesson type: private

    3.Lesson contents: Conversation (Beginner)

    4.Current language level: Beginner

    5.Lesson frequency: Once a month

    6.Lesson length and price: 1-hour lesson,1,500Yen or 2-hour lesson, 3,000Yen

    7.Lesson place: Cafe

    8.Nearest station of the lesson place: kitasenjyu or minamisenjuu or ueno station on hibiya line

    9.Lesson schedule (Day and time):
    1st choice: Between 10:00and 17:00 at weekends (Sat)
    2nd choice: Between 19:00and22:00 monday-friday

    10.Teacher's transportation cost: Please let me know the transportation cost I have to pay.

    11.Cafe costs if used: Student pays teacher's cafe cost.

    12.Inquiry, comment etc.:

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.



  • 日本の食べ物、アニメ、文化など日本が好きな先生を募集

    東京 英語 一般会話
    mark, 男性, 55歳  2023/05/29

    吉祥寺 (JR-中央本線), 吉祥寺 (京王-井の頭線)

    2,000円 (時間当り)






  • 青梅市に住んでます I live in Ome city

    東京 英語 一般会話
    Takuya, 男性, 31歳  2023/01/06

    福生 (JR-青梅線), 小作 (JR-青梅線), 羽村 (JR-青梅線)

    2,000円 (時間当り)






    nice to meet you
    I live in Ome
    I'm 29 years old
    she is studying english
    If you don't mind, I'm looking for someone to be my friend or teacher
    thank you

  • daily conversation

    東京 英語 一般会話
    aoi, 女性, 25歳  2019/09/10

    府中 (京王-京王線), 調布 (京王-京王線)

    1,000円 (時間当り)



    日本語会話レベル (あいさつ程度)


    I want to have natural conversation with native people. So, instead of using text books and learning grammar, I want teachers to focus on conversation and also want them to check pronounces.